Animals With The Scariest Sounds. Details: Foxes The urban fox screaming very Add a sound description that one doesn't normally associate with the thing making the sound. For example, the birds barked from the treeline to warn.
Putting Fear In Your Ears: What Makes Music Sound Scary ... (Ernest Greer) Most Terrifying Wild Animal Sounds Hippopotamus The common hippopotamus, or hippo, is a large, mostly herbivorous. Something about the range of pitches all smushed together, like hitting all the keys on a piano at the same time except much higher Scared the living fuck out of me the first time I heard a rabbit scream. I would love if you left a comment on this post telling us all how people hear these same animal sounds differently in the language you speak.
This Aztec whistle is one of the scariest sounds you'll ever hear.
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Real recordings of animals with scary bone chilling growls and howls. What animal sounds are the most scary. Oh, we might see a great white shark in an aquarium or on TV.
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